Yes, I understand this setup option – here’s where it becomes sticky. I at some point have shows running in rep – and plan to use the scene recall for mic levels, orch levels etc. In some shows this may mean that I have a couple hundred scenes used in a show – and obviously this means that we’ll be using too many scenes.
In this case I assumed that saving each show as a “show” would make sense.
That’s where my problem comes up. Yes, I can certainly tell each show op to start using scenes in a certain number range – say 25-125 for show 1 and 150-250 for show 2. However, this will be harder to manage.
I understand that this may be beyond the current software – but I would love to be able to set a default show and scene for each user login.
It’s one more thing to remember – but I think that for my use I will create a show called “Arts Center” (sorry, I’m in the US I have to do a “er” instead of the “re” at the end). In that show the concert and intern setups will be fine as scenes – I’ll just have to implement a system where anyone using the board for advanced applications needs to re-load “Arts Center” in place of whatever show they were working on before they power down.
-Bryce Larson
Production Manager
The Arts Center on 7