Loud Popping sounds on SQ5 Local outputs

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of peterzoetermeer peterzoetermeer 1 week ago.

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    Profile photo of WaihekeSoundie

    On the local outputs Aux 1 and Aux 2 (and maybe others) on mu Sq5, randomly there is large pop.. The loudness of the pop depends on the level of the fader output on the popping channel.
    It is incredibly loud with a decent speaker and the gain up.

    It makes (those) local outputs unusable. Fortunately I have a DX168 which does not pop.

    I’m guessing this is a return to base / hardware issue most likely?
    Is it a known issue?
    Thank you

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&H
    KeithJ A&H


    Sorry to hear about this popping, it’s not a known known issue, but if the same mixes being sent to the DX168 don’t present any noise, it does sound like a hardware issue.
    You could try patching to different local output sockets on the SQ to see if it’s related to a few sockets, but ultimately yes, contact your distributor to have your unit looked at and serviced/repaired.
    (full list of our distribution partners here – https://www.allen-heath.com/community/distributors/)


    Profile photo of WaihekeSoundie

    Yes, thank you Keith.
    I will see if it is all local outputs next.. I just noticed it on Aux 1 and Aux 2 when doing test. I haven’t needed to gig with the local outputs recently.
    Thank you

    Profile photo of Belfast

    Hi all @KeithJ A&H
    I get a random loud bang/pop from speakers and monitors
    even tho the sq5 is muted everywere
    its the same on different speakers sometimes it only comes 1 time in a gig other times, like tonight it have made the pop 3 times, no USB connected no Ar24 or other stageboxes…it does it even when nothing is hoocked up.

    Any idea ?

    Profile photo of peterzoetermeer

    a number of people I know who bought their SQ5 from the early years, they also have this, I had this too! I could even generate it a little if I tapped the mixer with my hand. Later it turned out to be the digital cable in the mixer, had it replaced and it was gone! Afterwards I bought a new SQ5 because the old one also started to cause some problems with the faders! but now very satisfied with the new one…

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