rename fx fader ch's

Forums Forums CQ Forums CQ feature suggestions rename fx fader ch's

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of aidanr211 aidanr211 1 week, 1 day ago.

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  • #121866
    Profile photo of heyrag

    It appears you can’t rename/label the 4 fx faders. When you alter the fx in the 4 slots from default the fader label doesn’t update but still has the default fx label name-which can be quite confusing since it is no longer what the fader label says.It should auto update when the fx are changed at the very least imo. I can’t seem to change it anywhere but maybe I don’t know the process. If there is no process there should be. Also the ability to pan the fx anywhere in the stereo spectrum of Main L/R so say delay is mostly left and verb is right…and a ch eq to each fx slot. Love this CQ20-B regardless.

    Profile photo of heyrag

    I still can’t figure out how to do this with the AH app but oddly enough you CAN do so easily with the Mixing Station app!

    Profile photo of aidanr211

    +1 for fx channel renaming. As heyrag said I managed to do this in MS but nice if it was native in the MixPad app.

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