Newbie Setting up Live Streaming for Church

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of mixmatch mixmatch 11 months, 4 weeks ago.

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  • #110566
    Profile photo of Smokeywood


    I am a complete newbie to this so I would appreciate any help I can get.

    Our Church has a QU-24 soundboard and we would like to set up a live stream using
    OBS software. I have been reading and watching many videos about this subject.

    We have a laptop computer with an i7 intel processor running windows 11 Home and
    12 GB ram which will have the OBS software installed.

    My question is What is the best way to connect the QU-24 board to the laptop??
    I have seen that there is a usb port on the back of the board that looks like
    an older usb-b square shape and on the top of the board is a new style usb

    Can I use either one of these to connect to my laptop via a usb port on the

    Once I know what connection to use I think I have seen enough videos and read
    enough on how to get the feed into OBS. If not I will inquire again.

    Thank you for any suggestions and help.

    Profile photo of Mike C
    Mike C

    Yes the USB output will work just fine.
    Your need to go the Allen Heath QU website page and download the ASIO driver.
    In the set menu go to the IO tab select USB and on tracks 17 18 to start set them to the L R main out puts.
    That will send the main L R mix to OBS for streaming audio for a quick way to get audio.

    In OBS the QU mixer will show up as a sound card source.

    You will want to look at least using a matrix mix to feed the live steam so you have some more processing control of the audio or setting up an aux mix dedicated to the live stream audio feed.

    Search my older post and you’ll find many were I go over setting that up.

    Profile photo of Smokeywood


    Thank you for the quick reply and this information will help me get started.
    I would appreciate if you could give me a link to the
    older posts your are referring to as I am not able to find them and would
    certainly would like to read to help me in my learning process to get
    this Church project moving forward.

    Thank you again.

    Profile photo of chrisgreenwood

    we don’t exactly live stream, we just record but we have a mix at church for recording (only certain mics get sent to it) and it gets sent out L & R to a U-PHORIA UMC202HD, USB will work but getting a usb interface might be better for the long run

    Profile photo of Mike C
    Mike C

    Here are some post about live streaming.

    Profile photo of mixmatch

    Hi, I’m also just a novice in setting up and using QU-24 for livestream.

    So OBS will only get whichever mix you patch into the channels 17 and 18, correct?

    I’ve read some post here that says it’ll only detect the first two USB channels, which I’ve tried but doesn’t seem to work when I patched Mix 9-10 to Channels 1 & 2.

    I’ve lowered the master fader of Mix 9-10 to its lowest level, but I was still getting some audio, possibly straight from LR?.

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