Xlr outputs stereo/mono

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    Profile photo of AndyAndy

    I would like some clarification. When you switch an a group or an aux out to stereo vs mono does that eat up two of the xlr output sockets? For instance… if I have drum overheads panned hard left and right and send all my drums to group 9 on the SQ5 is my drum bus now in mono?

    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    Short: yes

    Bit longer: As the XLR outputs (and inputs) are balanced mono, you will need to use two to get stereo out.

    Profile photo of AndyAndy

    Based on Allen & Heath’s acclaimed XCVI 96kHz FPGA audio engine, the SQ-5 digital mixer delivers extensive live sound mixing capabilities. Even with its powerful processing, the SQ-5 delivers best-in-class audio quality with less than 0.7ms of latency. You’ll have a lot of flexibility when it comes to creating monitor mixes, with up to 12 stereo mixes (groups or auxiliaries) in addition to the main LR out.

    So help me understand if I’m correct then you can only have 6 stereo mixes coming out of the SQ5 (6 XLR outs dedicated for left and 6 XLR outs dedicated for right channel outputs)
    Is this correct?

    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    With the XLR outs directly on the console and no need for the master out, you can have 6 stereo aux via the XLRs and you can use the A/B TRS jacks as another set of outputs, and the AES as a digital stereo output.

    To get all 12 AUX as stereo you need to add an external device, AB/DXl68, AR2412, DX012 or similar
    (or add on a Dante card and get the DT02 or any other Dante to analog box)

    Profile photo of ioTonioTon

    Hi @Andy

    Be aware: Using an Aux mix, or a Sub group has nothing to do with the local I/O sockets (XLR or Jack) or any other Analog or digital I/O via any possible Port.

    Because you have to ROUTE the mix (Aux, Group, Matrix, LR, …) to a physical PORT via the IO-Tap!

    So: you can use a drum-group, without ANY physical IO -> so it won’t eat up NO xlr-socket!
    No matter if it’s Mono or Stereo.
    you can route this group to your LR-Mix internally!

    For sure, if you need the drum group external, you’ll need to route this group to any physical socket.

    Tip: take a look at the I/O-Tap under the register: “output”


    Profile photo of AndyAndy

    Ok so here is my setup.

    I currently run the 11/12 xlr outputs as my main mix out to power amps and then to loudspeakers. My L/R mix feeds the 11/12 xlr output jacks. My drum and bass guitar bus is group 9 and my other instruments are group 10 and these two groups are routed into the main L/R mix feed. Here is my question. Can I also use group 11 and also group 12 for two more buses (vocals on 11 and anything else on 12) and route them into the main L/R mix or are groups 11 and 12 hardwired to the 11/12 physical xlr output jacks?


    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    No mix and/or group are hardwired anywhere, you patch them in the I/O tab.

    Profile photo of davfodavfo

    unless you have a specific reason for using a group for your drums, patch the drums to a DCA, they will still be in stereo, and you will have volume control over the whole kit

    Profile photo of HughHugh

    There are some very good answers for the OP in this thread!

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