Wrong Level on Mix BUS

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    Profile photo of SmalldevelSmalldevel


    on a show yesterday, i leveled a DI Bass Singnal narrow 0db by fader and preamp and send it to a mix group. But the signal “arrives” the mix with -10 db.

    I checked everything up and up again,but i cant find a problem. It was not a classic pre or post fader problem and I’am not a newby.

    On the SQ block diagramm i can see a “level” posibillity after the fader for the mix. I can’t find it anymore.

    Please help me. The next show is comming on saturday.

    Thanks a lot

    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    Compression and EQ May Change the Level?have you taken that into Account?

    Best Regards,

    Profile photo of SmalldevelSmalldevel

    Hey Tobi,

    Thanks for your answer. I forgot to say that every Dynamics or EQ aren’t activated on channel and mix buss.

    After I’ve read some interesting posts, maybe the ‘pan law’ can be the problem, but I can’t find out how A&H handle it. But for this it have to be 3 or 4 dB lower not 10.


    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    On the SQ block diagramm i can see a “level” posibillity after the fader for the mix. I can’t find it anymore.

    That LEV *is* the fader for the mix. Fader in the block diagram means the channel fader, which is followed by pre/post ooutputs.

    Maybe have a DCA activated?

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