Hi erverybody,
I thought it would be smart, to discuss some “update wishes” or issues for the coming firmware updates.
My suggestoins:
– dlive director: Userlayer
– at physical output a phase swop or a phase shift
– dlive director: direct access to gain and pan
– surface: changing Q-parameter with multitouch gesture
– on custom rotary: show the parameter on changing it (for example HPF on custom rotary, when you change the parameter, it
could be shown in the strip display)
My issues:
– surface channel naming: limit amount of types in channel naming to the maximal amount that is shown on the strip
– when pressing the routing in USB Recording menu, please jump directly to the right Page in Routing menu
Thx for recognize!
Off topic:
I really love the dLive, there are a lot increases, that i really missed on the iLive!