SQ6 fan replacement

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  • #119890
    Profile photo of MLockMLock

    My SQ6 suddenly has a very loud fan. No Dante card, so it’s not that fan. Both fans showing ~330rpm, so it isn’t failing yet, but it sure doesn’t sound healthy. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find a parts list, schematic, or part number for a replacement fan. Can anyone help me find a plug and play fan for my SQ6? I do not have the time nor a spare to send it in for repair and I’m confident I can swap out a fan… if I can find the part.

    Thank you!

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    Where do you live? You should be able to take a measurement of the current fan and look on Amazon or EBay. There are much quieter fans out there (I have replaced fans on a lot of gear but not on my SQ, yet) and in some cases, I put a diode in-line with the DC-hot wire and reduce the RPMs of those fans. YMMV on the safety of doing this but I will say that I have never had a problem caused by a reduced RPM fan in any of the many pieces I have done this to.

    I do hear the fans in my SQ6 and it does bug me a bit that there are quieter fans on the market that could replace the sorta-noisy fans installed in the SQ line. I guess that every dollar counts in the manufacturing world but if you’re gonna say that your mixing panel is appropriate to be used in a studio control room, and everyone can hear the fans, you might reexamine either your builds or your marketing.


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