SQ5 into PC for streaming

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  • #105972
    Profile photo of viperiusviperius

    Hi there, first post so be gentle.

    We have an SQ5 with various inputs, Mics, music, instruments which we then mix and output via A out and B out to a behringer u-phoria UMC22 which is connected to a Windows Laptop and the audio is then mixed into the stream.
    There is video and slide show involved as well.

    My question is….
    Can the USB on the SQ5 be used to perform the same function hence allowing us to cut the Audio interface out of the setup?

    thanks in anticipation

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    Can the USB on the SQ5 be used to perform the same function hence allowing us to cut the Audio interface out of the setup?

    Yes, the SQ series has a 32×32 audio interface built in.

    Profile photo of viperiusviperius

    Scott, you knew there was another question coming….

    I am assuming that its just a case of plug in, install drivers and it will appear as if by magic in the list of audio devices in OBS. (hopefully the answer is yes)

    which then leads onto my next question…..the current mix that we have coming out A and B Out has some compression added. Can we do that to the mix coming out the USB?

    I think thats all the questions…Thanks in anticipation


    Profile photo of PatPat

    In the IO tab, Simply swap the preffered usb channels with the current route of A out + B out
    I believe the Listen Bus is the default for A out and B out
    Because you are simply changing the patching, it shouldn’t effect the processing.

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    You have full flexibility over what is sent out via USB (or elsewhere) and where in the signal chain it comes from (before processing / after processing). For a stream I would recommend sending an AUX mix where all inputs are post fader, so that it tracks the main house mix. This allows you to set differences in the mixes, and still have it track what is going on in the main mix.

    Profile photo of viperiusviperius

    Thanks Guys this will help to make the setup a bit simpler.


    Profile photo of HowardBHowardB

    I’m new to digital mixing but have to set up an SQ5 for my church. I appreciate Scott’s advice. Our thoughts are to use an Aux that will be wired to a PTZ camera, such that the camera syncs audio and video for us prior to sending it to a PC via NDA. The PC will have OBS on it and stream it. We’re doing streaming like this now with an analogue mixer and it works quite well. With the new Sq5, the video guy will adjust the aux mix on the mixer via the SQ MixPad app. He wants to adjust audio levels and compress the whole aux. Could he adjust levels of groups sent post faders? Could we also include pre-fader audience mics in that Aux so that he can set those levels? I could put the audience mics into the main mix but would almost never turn the faders up there. Another question I have is, can I record on a USB Stick, using the Aux being set up for streaming? If so should I set up a DCA to control the recording volume and assign it to the USB two channel recorder?

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    You can set groups POST fader to your AUX, and you can mix and match PRE / POST on different sources, allowing yo to send your audience mics as pre-fader.

    If you send groups, make sure that you turn down the sources (or turn them off) to those groups, so that you don’t get double of those into your aux mix.

    You can change the source of the USB record to be the stream AUX, but if you have a Matrix free, I would use it instead, and then source that matrix from your stream AUX. This will allow independent level control on the USB record from the stream. Set the AUX PRE into that matrix too.

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