SQ IO Page Input Library Glitch

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  • #113622
    Profile photo of KenKen

    On an SQ-5 firmware 1.5.9 r4117 there is a glitch with the IO Page not updating when loading IO Input libraries.

    By example:
    – In the OP “Inputs” “Input Channel” tab and Slink Sockets tab selected
    – This example starts with this Slink page having no connections in the matrix (an AR2412 attached with Extender to AB168)
    – Note that the Socket headings along the top are all light colored, indicating available sockets
    – Now Use the Library button to recall the Factory Slink Input Library
    – Note now the inputs patching is established and the socket headings are dark (indicating used sockets)
    – Toggle a few routes off (e.g. socket 5 and socket 6)
    – Now Use the Library button to recall the Factory Local Input Library
    – Note that the patched connections have disappeared from the Sockets tab (as expected)
    Note however that the Slink socket headings remain dark for the sockets we did not manually toggle off (e.g. 5, 6 above)
    – This incorrect socket heading color seems to persist until the next mixer shutdown and re-start.
    – After such a restart, the socket headings are again accurate.

    Profile photo of KenKen

    The phrase OP “Inputs” above should read IO “Inputs”.

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