On an SQ-5 firmware 1.5.9 r4117 there is a glitch with the IO Page not updating when loading IO Input libraries.
By example:
– In the OP “Inputs” “Input Channel” tab and Slink Sockets tab selected
– This example starts with this Slink page having no connections in the matrix (an AR2412 attached with Extender to AB168)
– Note that the Socket headings along the top are all light colored, indicating available sockets
– Now Use the Library button to recall the Factory Slink Input Library
– Note now the inputs patching is established and the socket headings are dark (indicating used sockets)
– Toggle a few routes off (e.g. socket 5 and socket 6)
– Now Use the Library button to recall the Factory Local Input Library
– Note that the patched connections have disappeared from the Sockets tab (as expected)
– Note however that the Slink socket headings remain dark for the sockets we did not manually toggle off (e.g. 5, 6 above)
– This incorrect socket heading color seems to persist until the next mixer shutdown and re-start.
– After such a restart, the socket headings are again accurate.