SQ Digital Split

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  • #85233
    Profile photo of Matt SalavitchMatt Salavitch

    I am using an SQ5 at monitors (with SLink option card inserted), an SQ6 at FOH, and a GX4816 as my mixrack.

    I am looking to create a digital split. I am clear on the ability to use Tie-Lines to patch inputs from the GX4816 to both consoles. My question is regarding patching the outputs of each console to the GX4816 outputs.

    Can I use tie-lines to patch the Main Outs from the SQ6 at FOH through to the GX outputs? Likewise, can I patch the Aux outputs of the SQ5 at monitors to the outputs of the GX?

    In order to do this, how should I connect the GX4816 to both consoles using the SLink option card?

    I have tried doing this previously and found that outputs of one console seemed to be slave to the other console. I may not have patched outputs correctly via the tie-lines.

    Thanks for the help.

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Matt,

    Here’s how I would set this up:

    GX4816 connected to the SLink port of the monitor console.

    Slink option card installed in the monitor console and connected to the FOH SLink port.

    The GX inputs are patched directly to the input channels of the monitor console and tie lined to the FOH console.

    The Mix Outs of the FOH console are sent to the monitor console over SLink, then the monitor console tie lines those signals directly to the GX outputs.

    The Mix Outs of the monitor console are patched directly to the GX.

    I hope this helps!


    Profile photo of Matt SalavitchMatt Salavitch


    Will sending the FOH Mix Outs over SLink to the monitor desk, then tie-lining directly to GX outputs require me to take up output channels on the monitor desk?

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Matt,

    Tie lines are socket to socket patching, so this will bypass the need to send a signal through an input channel or output bus to then get it to a socket.


    Profile photo of mkcmkc

    I am considering exactly this setup. Would it be possible to get some illustrations of how to set up the tie lines, not clear in user reference how to set up the returns. Thanks

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Mkc,

    Attached is a generic example of how one could set this up. I’ve used two SQ6 consoles and a GX4816 in this scenario, but of course, any SQ and any stage box can be connected in this way and any SLink port can be used for any connection – this is just an example.

    If you have any questions, please let me know!


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    Profile photo of Matt SalavitchMatt Salavitch

    Very helpful! Thank you.

    Final question, if I wanted to replace the SQ at FOH with a GLD, would all of this still be possible? Does the GLD have the patching capabilities to do this set up?

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Matt,

    You would need to use a third party protocol to connect SQ with GLD, such as Dante or Waves. But yes, the GLD can then source the inputs from the IO port and send the mix back via the IO port. The patching on the SQ would then remain the same, but it would be using a Dante or Waves card instead of the SLink.


    Profile photo of Matt SalavitchMatt Salavitch

    Got it. Thank you!

    Profile photo of Matt SalavitchMatt Salavitch

    For some reason, when I connect the GX to the SQ5, it only shows has having 32 sockets available, instead of 48.

    Any idea what could be the issue?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @mat-sally,

    If you touch the I/O screen ‘SLink’ or ‘I/O Port’ tabs multiple times, you will cycle through sockets 1-32, 33-64, 65-96 and 97-128.
    Hopefully this is all it is, but if you are already doing this and cannot see live sockets with the GX connected, please contact us using support.allen-heath.com so we can look into this with you.



    Hi. I was wondering, would this same setup work with the Avantis (SQ5 as Monitor and Avantis as FOH)? What if I plan on using expanders on the GX4816? Does the SQ only have access to 48 while Avantis have access to 64 (all at 96kHz)? Thanks!

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