It would be great to be able to customise the behaviour:
„What happens when selecting Main Mix, Monitor or FX Bus“
For users that work with different colours on the channels the topic idea would not help. What if the channel Displays (only the Channel Display) start to blink every 2 or 3 seconds when selecting Monitor or FX.
Working on the monitormix St FOH is normally only a thing of seconds, Sontheimern blinking would not be to harsh, but it is visible enough to be aware of the situation.
It was also discussed if the Color of the LED Desklight could change, when NOT the Main Mix is selected. Or maybe that could blink.
So there are a bunch of options and maybe the user can activate the one and/or the other option in the settings for his kind of work. Otherwise there is always the risk to not see which bus is selected. A problem especially when you work with lay people like in churches.