SQ-5 Slink-IO-Port Delayed Gain Controls

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  • #113618
    Profile photo of KenKen

    I thought I’d ask about a scenario here before continuing with A&H support.

    I am seeing delayed response when adjusting channel gain via the SQ-5 surface gain knob for channels patched through an SLink Card.

    There is a delay of about 1 second from turning the knob to the preamps responding on an IO Box in the 2nd position in an Slink chain
    as indicated by the * in the below configurations.
    SQ5 IOport (Slink Card) -> AR2412 -> AB168*
    SQ5 IOport (Slink Card) -> AR2412 -> AR84*
    SQ5 IOport (Slink Card) -> AB168 -> AR84*

    e.g. After quick adjustment of channel gain from -20db to +2db on a PADDED channel, about one second passes before audible increase in level

    Note that operation is normal (responsive) in the nearly identical configurations of:
    SQ5 Built-in Slink -> AR2412 -> AB168
    SQ5 Built-in Slink -> AR2412 -> AR84
    SQ5 Built-in Slink -> AB168 -> AR84


    Profile photo of KenKen

    BTW: Firmware is 1.5.6 r4043.

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