scenes (again!)

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  • #48530
    Profile photo of jet1968jet1968

    whilst A&H have improved the scenes function over time, I still find it annoying that ‘current’ scene is blank when the unit is first powered up, even though the last used settings remain in memory. So why not display the last used scene as ‘current’ at power up? Would be less confusing than just blank…

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    What’s confusing about it? If it were there, it could be implied that a scene recall had taken place on startup, which of course it hasn’t. I see it less confusing as it is.

    Profile photo of FinckFinck

    I also find it annoying that the scene page does not display the last scene used upon power up.
    I often don’t remember what scene was last used, so consequently I have know idea how the console is configured on power up.
    A small but aggravating issue.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    if there is no scene used at power up what then?

    change something in a scene before you power down then it is not the scene anymore…
    It start with the last state… but you can configure a startup scene

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    The console starts with the state from power down, which likely will differ from the last recalled scene.
    …but you’re free to recall any scene when starting the console to have a known starting point. This only is few key presses away.
    I’m personally not interested at all in the last state of the console before powered down, but know exactly what I want to do after powering up again. So I either recall a prepared scene or revert to default state to have a comfortable starting point.

    Profile photo of DetonatorDetonator

    I put the scene # on one of the scribble strips on the first layer, done.

    -Tim T

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