Scene controls in Actions menu and store specific scene

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions Scene controls in Actions menu and store specific scene

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  • #123611
    Profile photo of Carl NCarl N

    My use case is as follows…

    I split my console into FOH and mons with all inputs double patched, basically creating two consoles but sharing gains. I switch between these modes using scenes on softkeys. The only thing’s being recalled are fader layers and some soft key assignments. This works great and I’ve been doing it for a while.
    The issue is that when I make changes to my fader layers, I need to go to the scenes menu and store the scene again before switching to the other one. I want to setup a button to save any changes so I don’t have to keep going into the scene menu. I tried using auto store and locking all other scenes but it doesn’t seem to work when the scene is fired from a soft key.

    An option to store a specific scene would help a lot here. Combined with having all scene controls available in actions I could reduce the whole system to one button.

    It would for eg. save the foh scene, recall the mons scene. Then the next press would save the mons scene and recall the foh scene.

    The reason I can’t rely on storing the current scene or last scene etc is that I also use scenes for other things so I can’t guarantee that the correct scene is selected.

    In hindsight this functionality probably doesn’t require scenes in actions, but I still feel it wold be incredibly useful.

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