QU-SB wifi

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  • #55039
    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    I think with a wifi only method of operation that A&H should offer and/or include a wifi dongle with this unit. Same type of unit that QSC Touchmix series includes with theirs.

    Profile photo of dickiefunkdickiefunk

    I’m not sure if this is possible as I would expect the connection port needs to power this dongle? If it is I would absolutely love to have this for my QU-PAC. On quite a few of the gigs I use this the QU-PAC for small acoustic gigs and having a wifi router + network lead and mains adapter looks a little clumsy and untidy. If it is at all possible to have something that plugs straight into the mixer then brilliant!! Yes please!!

    Profile photo of Mike StormMike Storm

    Wifi dongles don’t have a reputation for reliability. IMO they might work for your TV or hifi but I wouldn’t rely on them at a gig. The same goes for cheaper products with built-in wifi.
    Read the forums:
    QSC https://www.reddit.com/r/livesound/comments/3a9u6g/qsc_touchmix_experiences/
    Behringer: https://forum.music-group.com/showthread.php?7130-XR18-Wifi-issues

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi George and others,

    We chose not to go the USB dongle or integrated wireless route with Qu-SB to avoid limitations in terms of reliability and performance. Mixers in a stagebox format will be often placed on the stage floor which is not the ideal position for wireless antennas of any type, causing drop-outs and unstable connections especially in crowded environments. With Qu-SB you are free to position the router / access point higher up for best performance, and to choose the right device to fit budget and application. Also you are not paying for (mostly inadequate) integrated wireless technology that you would eventually upgrade anyway.

    Profile photo of dickiefunkdickiefunk

    Is there a generic product that can be bought for the QU-PAC to do this.

    Profile photo of Mike StormMike Storm

    Check out this article: https://www.techhive.com/article/2150741/laptop-accessories/tested-6-new-travel-routers-that-can-deploy-a-secure-wi-fi-network-almost-anywhere.html
    Some ‘pocket routers’ can be powered by USB so you could use the Qu-Drive port to power them?

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Nicola. I agree with your assessment and understand. I guess having had good luck with the QSC Touchmix I felt it was worth asking. I work with another AV guy I sold that too. He uses it a lot and I work on some shows with him. I can’t say that we’ve used it at any long distance or in all cases the mixer is usually off stage so not in the gear clutter area. I guess even an option would be nice. Either or.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    An RPi3 should be a fairly easy “dongle”.
    Simple image on an SD card could work wonders…

    Profile photo of lunaspinalunaspina

    molto spesso uso QU16 e gld per la mia band, buoni prodotti. Adesso io voglio anche un QU-SB, ma non riesco a decidermi di comparlo.
    molto meglio le connessioni che fornisce presonus (Ethernet, PC windows, PC apple, Tablet, ecc…).
    Affidarsi al solo wifi non รจ buono.
    Dicono di provare kit camera APPLE da IOS10.2…..
    A&H sbaglia a non concedere ethernet + PC.

    Profile photo of lunaspinalunaspina

    Very often use QU16 and gld for my band, good products. Now I also want a QU-SB, but I can not decide to show it.
    Much better connections that provides presonus (Ethernet, PC windows, PC apple, Tablet, etc …).
    Trusting in just wifi is not good.
    They say try APPLE camera kits from IOS10.2 …..
    A & H fails not to grant ethernet + PC.

    Profile photo of PeteNPeteN

    I too was concerned about just relying on wifi connection so I have investigated and added a ‘wired’ solution for emergency use.

    Wifi router is an Apple airport express.

    I’ve installed a small netgear Ethernet switch with the QU and the Airport Express connected.

    Then I use an Apple lightning camera connection kit powered by a standard Apple IPad power supply, with an Apple USB Ethernet adapter attached with a short cat 5 cable to the Netgear hub and a non-Apple 1m lightning extension cable to allow the iPad to sit on top of the rack.

    With the iPad in Aeroplane mode I am able to successfully connect to the QU and control everything as over the normal wifi connection but via the Ethernet connection.

    I’ve also tested the connection direct into the QU, without the netgear hub or airport express involved. In this mode you need to switch off DHCP on the QU.

    All seems to work fine though.


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