QU-pac mix out conundrum

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Mbirame Mbirame 6 years, 12 months ago.

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    Profile photo of GCumbee

    My industrial ones just use the front panel. I do have a couple that use either iPad or android tablet.

    Profile photo of Mbirame

    Could you use a couple of splitters, for something, and so send two things directly to FOH, as well as into your QU-Pack?

    Gah…dangit I just realized that all the stereo tracks that we use are coming in from the USB…so no splitter is possible.

    At this point I think my only option is to have two different groups of scenes: one for when we have a FOH and one for when we don’t. THat is going to make version control a pain.

    I’d be happy to upload my full input list and routing if anyone felt adventurous and wanted to see if you can see a better solution than what I have come up with.

    Profile photo of

    Do you always use the same FOH engineer?

    Profile photo of MarkPAman

    Gah…dangit I just realized that all the stereo tracks that we use are coming in from the USB…so no splitter is possible.

    Would it have to be a stereo track that got split? Any two sources should allow you to free up two outputs, provided they’re things that don’t need any processing changes to the FOH. May mean you have to work out a different patch system though, in which case the separate scenes may be just easy.

    I don’t mind having a look at your setup in detail in you want – though it sounds like you know what you’re doing, and I’m not really expecting to find anything useful.

    Profile photo of Mbirame

    Would it have to be a stereo track that got split?

    Yeah, it might work to do some rerouting. I could send my vox and modular synth to FOH through a splitter. If I did an a/b box splitter that let me send out of one output or both outputs at the push of a button then that could also give me the ability to talk to the band without going through FOH…hmm.

    Another possibility (I’m holding my breath!) would be if A&H does an update and allows direct out for channels out of the expanders. I am eating up a few mix outs by having to send single channels to a mix just to get the the FOH. I wish they would offer a rack mount product that would let you access the direct outs. the ME-1 looks cool, but I don’t want to have to carry around a bunch of little boxes. I like to have everything racked.

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