@alrod Hi Al, thanks! For tracking with Qu-16 I’d suggest having channels 1-16 source assigned to Local inputs, then ST1 and ST2 source to USB-B. To use processing on the “way in” make sure the CH/ST Source is set to DIRECT OUTS in the SETUP > I/O Patch > USB Audio.
In the ROUTING menu you can change the tap-off point for the Direct Out. Post Compressor will allow you to use your onboard Dynamics when recording.
For outboard processors, you would need to set up send / return channels for these bits of hardware.
Use a Mix out like you would a monitor, then return the processed signal back to the local inputs of the mixer.
If this is a stereo processor, use a stereo mix out to send and a pair of linked channels to return, for a mono processor just use a mono mix and 1 input channel.
I should have some template show files available in the Qu User Library of the Community shortly.
Let me know if you need more info.