I’m having trouble with one channel on our GLD-80 mixer. I’m getting no audio from the aux send when I use the channel post-fader. All the other channels work fine.
I’m using a stereo AUX send to send audio for our video mix, and I normally set all the channels to -10dB with PRE turned off, so I get a post-fader mix on my output. If I need to tweak the mix, I can adjust the final mix going to the video stream.
So I think this problem began when I re-assigned a fader the other day to use input 9. I did this in the GLD editor by changing the Source Select to Input Socket 9. I didn’t know 9 was already in use by another fader, so both faders fed into the house speakers when I did that.
This didn’t seem to be a problem until I later changed fader 26 back to dSNAKE-exp 2. Now I can only get audio from channel 9 when I have the PRE setting turned on, even though that channel is up in the house.
So is there a way to basically do a reset on one channel, or do I have to start over and create a new show, manually re-configuring all the settings?