Phantom Power

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  • #116748
    Profile photo of JanetJanet

    Hi There,
    I have 3 condenser mics hooked into channels that have 48V toggled on for phantom power, but still no sound is coming out. Can anyone help?

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    That could really be lots of things!

    First, what is the mixer and are you using a stage box with it?

    Do you get sound if you use a non phantom powered mic?

    Are those channels assigned to the main mix?

    By chance are those channels assigned to a DCA group or audio group and that group master
    is turned down or muted?

    Profile photo of JanetJanet

    I Have the QU-24 directly plugged into our bose speakers from the 2TRK out. That is how the old director had the system for use with our snakes and individual mics. Is that wrong?

    Profile photo of BearBear

    Are the going thru a regular snake or a D-snake ?

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Could you post some pictures of what the mics are plugging into at the stage, the back of mixer and a picture of the routing menu screen on the mixer with one of the condenser mic channels selected and also a picture of the pre amp screen on the mixer.

    Do you get sound from other mic inputs and music sources?
    Do you have another mic to try and a cable?

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Are you getting levels/metering on that channel? That would indicate that the mic is really working, but there is a routing issue somewhere in the desk that is preventing the mic’s audio from reaching an output.

    If you are not getting levels/metering on that channel, then it points to either a mic failure, a phantom power failure, or something is set/routed incorrectly with the inputs and the correct signal is not making it into the desk.

    Profile photo of JanetJanet

    I suppose something routed incorrectly would be my guess, but I don’t have time to trouble shoot this anymore than what I’ve spent.

    Sometimes I feel like I need a 2nd Masters degree to work this board. I finally just got out an old one that I will use instead.

    Thank you for your attempt at trying to help.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Janet – I know how you feel and you are not alone! The various routing options that modern digital consoles offer now can be really helpful, but it also introduces a lot more places where you can make a mistake!

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Check in your area for someone who could come in for some training and or help with the production. Looking at your profile it looks like the mixer is at a school. Maybe look up who installed the system, though sometimes the installers may not be the best choice!

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