One channel does not output to any mix

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  • #104699
    Profile photo of tallen55tallen55

    I am having a problem getting sound from channel 1 of my QU16 to any of the mixes. I have nice healthy signal on the meters. It’s the kick drum mic. If I plug the mic into channel 2, I can hear the sound fine on all of the mixes. Plug the mic back into channel 1 and no sound. I searched every menu and selection and both channels are set the same as far as I can tell. Please help.

    Profile photo of BCElyBCEly

    Are you sure the channel is assigned to the chosen mix (P24 of manual)

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Select Ch1 and then go to the routing screen, that will show you
    all the assignments and levels.

    Also….you can check the channel assignment by holding down the green
    assign button on the left hand side of mixer surface, while holding that
    down select each mix via the blue mix button, as you select the mixes
    the select buttons for the channels that are assigned to the selected
    mix will light up.

    Hitting the channel select button while holding the assign button will select
    or de-select the channel from the mix you have selected.

    Profile photo of BRSBRS

    Check there’s no mute group or DCA involved?

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    When you say mixes does that also include the main L R or just
    the mix aux outputs.

    Profile photo of tallen55tallen55

    Thanks it was the assign button on the left of the channels. Channel 1 was not assigned to any mix.

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    The assign button is just one of few way to assign a channel to a mix and it gives you a quick visual of what is assigned or unassigned.

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