More Groups on SQ4You app

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  • #108042
    Profile photo of KenMKenM

    Most of the musicians I work with are too busy with playing and don’t use the app because it does not have what they need at their fingertips. 4 groups are not enough. If it had 8 groups it would be a lot more functional.

    I would have purchased the ME-1’s for more channels except the bands I work with are small and do not use IEM’s. Since I cannot control the output level on the ME-1’s from the desk, I cannot control feedback if the musician kicks up the gain on their monitor. I am sure this is a common issue.

    Profile photo of HughHugh

    The OP is dealing with an issue that has plagued SR protocols since hot back lines became the ruling mantra of pop music. The “more me” musical generation does not want or need to listen to the collective ensemble performance. They rely upon the drummer for meter and the console personnel to shape and control all individual performances, and by extension the band performance. Most established bands today that feature “Hot Back Lines” employ a manned monitor mixing protocol that they usually deploy with IN or Over the ear listening gear.

    Conversely, the acoustic music world offers a more likely possibility of session ready musicians that diligently listen to each other and never play over the top of leads. This is my world that works very well with a single wedge monitor mix that supplements the stage bass bloom from the speaker stacks. There are huge advantages in the band managing their own dynamic control and shaping their own collective performance: rather than leaving it to console personnel.

    There certainly are amped ensembles that offer pro session ready performers that can function very well with a single wedge mix, however they are few and far between.

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