IP1 multi select

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions IP1 multi select

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  • #86811
    Profile photo of iskweldogiskweldog

    Here’s some background information. I have two new IP1s installed by an integrator as part of a remodel project of a school theater. The intention was that a less savvy sound person, such as a teacher, could use the IP1, instead of the Surface, to control level of a single input or two. After installation it has become clear that the this is beyond the scope of what the IP1 is was designed to do.

    My request is for a [Shift Rotate] source select option be added, allowing the IP1 to cycle through a predetermined selection of either inputs, DCAs; aux, matrix or mains, mixes. [Normal Rotate] would still control level of the then selected input, DCA; aux, matrix or mains, mixes as it does currently.

    I realize that it would be possible to purchase an IP8 or IP6 to do this, however, retrofitting either into the existing space would be difficult. An update to the the IP1 would be prefered.

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