How to delete multiple scenes ?? v2.0 ??

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of msteel msteel 1 week, 1 day ago.

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    Profile photo of Julian Tinao
    Julian Tinao

    Honest question, how can I delete multiple scenes ?? I’m not talking from the CUE list, this have been added in the v2.0, I need to delete multiple scenes from the main scene list from the show, is there ANY way of doing this ??
    Imagine having a show, which is having a lot of scenes (maybe 50 or more), and I want to clear the show, and left it with just 1 scene. I don’t want to copy the scene to a new show, because what I want is the SHOW data (complex global safes, complex patching, setup of everything…)
    Is there a workaround for solving that ?? Why is something so basic so difficult?. Why we can delete multiple CUEs but no multiple scenes ??

    Profile photo of msteel

    My v2.0 experience is limited to a little bit of offline Director, but I do not see a way to “Delete” multiple cues either.
    It is pretty easy to “Remove” multiple cues from a cue list in edit cue list tab, but that tab does not have a “Delete” button. As far as I can tell the only place that has a “Delete” button is the main scene control tab, and that does not have multi-select.

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