I’m just bringing this back up because I had to set up a new show file this weekend. I really missed having group spills during this process.
Now I realize that turning the group spill functionality would remove one method that can be used to assign inputs to groups (because when you press the “Mix” button of the group, only the member inputs would show up and not all inputs – so you can’t add new inputs to the group by pressing their “assign” key). But all A&H needs to do is to include an “Group Spill” setting that can be turned on/off just like the DCA spill setting. (Plus there are other methods to adding inputs to groups – like the routing page of each input).
I think ALL of us at some point are forced to burn DCAs simply to get this spill functionality when designing the fader layouts, but then it’s an awkward situation where you have both a group fader and a DCA fader. Having group spill functionality would allow us to stop using DCAs for this functionality and have a much more manageable/logical signal flow.
So please A&H, add this much desired feature soon…..