FX Plugin “External”

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  • #125846
    Profile photo of MatzeMatze

    I would like to integrate external reverb effects (waves, hardware) via the FX buses. But in the FX buses there is no way to set an insert there.

    The workaround over a stereo channel, whose input is the FX unit, is not particularly elegant. And I had to load the “Transient Desiner” to off in order to even get a signal from the FX unit.

    I would like an FX plugin that makes it possible to integrate an external signal path. Or more simply: A normal insert like on all other buses.

    Profile photo of Flo84Flo84

    For insert you can use an Aux to feed an Fx proc instead of Fx Send. You’ll have an insert point, Eq, Comp too …

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Use an Aux instead of an FX send. Because the Avantis has the flexible buss structure, there is nothing preventing you from doing this.

    On a semi-related note, I actually like using Aux for internal FX too (instead of FX sends). Doing this provides more flexibility as Aux sends can be used on any FX slot while FX sends can only be used on certain slots (based on the number of FX sends you use. If you use 12 FX sends, then you can use any FX send on any FX slot, but if you set up less than 12 FX sends, you can only assign them to the first “X” FX slots where “X” is the same number as the number of FX sends you created).

    Profile photo of GaliousGalious

    Adding to Brian’s answer: You can attach multiple FX units to one aux. FX-sends allow only one FX unit.

    Profile photo of MatzeMatze

    Thanks guys,
    but the suggestion to use an aux doesn’t work for me.

    I can’t route an aux to another aux. I do monitor from FOH and i need this option.
    And because the FX is pre-fader, there is no option for a throw delay.

    Profile photo of JRLiveJRLive

    Being an old school/analog person, I always use AUX sends for internal effects. On old analog boards, that was all you had. Personally, I would get rid of the FX sends and just increase the number of AUX’s.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Can you explain a little more why you need to “send an aux to an aux”? I’m not saying there is never a reason to want to do this, but generally speaking you won’t need to.

    Also, you can setup the auxes you use for FX as post fader auxes, so “throwing delays” on the sends should work just fine if set up correctly.

    Profile photo of MatzeMatze

    I do monitor from FOH and my singer wants reverb on his in-ear mix.
    And I want to have the reverb in my instrument Group. Same with the Vocal Reverb in the Vocals Group.

    As far as I know, auxes cannot be sent in groups.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    You never need to send the “send buss” (whether it is an FX send or an Aux) to a group. It’s sole destination will be the FX rack where it is processed and then sent out via an FX return. That FX return can be sent to groups without any issues.

    In other words, choosing an aux buss over the default FX send buss doesn’t change the ability to do anything you have mentioned so far.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Let me show you in a diagram what we are suggesting:

    Option A (Default option)
    Default “FX” buss –> FX Rack –> Default FX Return –> Aux, Group, Main LR, or any other destination

    Option B (using an Aux instead of the FX send which gives a lot more flexibility)
    “Aux” buss –> FX Rack –> Default FX Return –> Aux, Group, Main LR, or any other destination

    Literally the only thing we are changing is the type of buss used to send audio into the FX system. Everything else works the same. Yet with this minor change, you gain a lot more flexibility as mentioned previously in this thread.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Let me also put it this way. IMHO, the default “FX Send” buss is really just a neutered “aux” buss. A&H has decided to neuter the FX buss and remove some functionality that they don’t think would be used when sending audio into a FX Racks. However I believe they neutered the FX Send Buss too much and removed functionality and flexibility that IS useful even when you are just sending audio into an FX Rack. By using an aux buss instead of the FX Send buss, you regain this lost functionality/flexibility without any real negatives. Honestly the only negative I can think of is that the buss is labeled an “aux” buss instead of a “FX Send” and therefore it might be confusing to some users when they look at the auxes. But the board has a customizable layout, so this really is a moot point IMHO. You can place those FX auxes in a different place than your other “aux” busses – most likely where the FX Send busses would appear by default.

    Profile photo of MatzeMatze

    thank you for the tipps. I got very frustrated, but then I find out I had to go to the FX Backpanel and set the input of the FX Rack to the Aux bus. Now it works.

    Many thanks for your help.

    @AllenHeat: would be easier if there is an Plugin “External” in the FX-Rack itself.

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