Dyn8 included in Channel Library (Overview) recall?

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions Dyn8 included in Channel Library (Overview) recall?

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  • #63703

    Hey folks!

    I’ve run in to an interesting hiccup in saving/recalling overall channel settings via the library. In particular, my vocal chains use dyn8 in insert A, then the regular channelstuffs (filter/gate/comp/eq) insert b is an external rack unit over DANTE.

    I’d like to be able to build individual profiles for the vocalists I work with on a regular basis and store all of those things in a “channel,” library setting; however, it appears that the dyn8 settings are NOT saved in that “overview,” store/recall, you have to manually store/recall the dyn8 settings in addition to the channel-strip recall. I understand that dyn8 is an insert, but is there a way to include that scope in the library settings in future firmware updates? IE dLive stores current status of insert A/B in the channel library with an “if” sort of argument. (IF dyn8 present, save these settings. IF dyn8 present, recall these settings.)

    Small thing, but it’s kind of a hassle to have to do multiple library settings for each vocalist instead of one global library recall.

    Profile photo of tpauldingtpaulding

    This, and really almost all routing would be helpful in the overview library save feature. DCA routing, Aux and FX sends need to be added.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Great idea if you’re in a static show/venue. I could see Aux sends being a problem if you move a Channel preset from one show to another. Also… what happens if you accidentally send +10dB prefade of, say, a massive keyboard to the infra-sub plugin by mistake? Ouch. (I’d definitely want an option to scope/disable that kind of like the “Recall Preamp” button.)

    Profile photo of tpauldingtpaulding

    It would be nice if it was optional too Midi Guy. For us, my DCAs, AUXs, and most FX don’t change from week to week but my inputs do. Every time I recall a certain vocal it’d be nice to know that its routed to the right DCAs and AUXs.

    Profile photo of aisle-6aisle-6

    I also find this annoying when you copy a vocal channel that the dyn8 does not copy.

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