Hey folks!
I’ve run in to an interesting hiccup in saving/recalling overall channel settings via the library. In particular, my vocal chains use dyn8 in insert A, then the regular channelstuffs (filter/gate/comp/eq) insert b is an external rack unit over DANTE.
I’d like to be able to build individual profiles for the vocalists I work with on a regular basis and store all of those things in a “channel,” library setting; however, it appears that the dyn8 settings are NOT saved in that “overview,” store/recall, you have to manually store/recall the dyn8 settings in addition to the channel-strip recall. I understand that dyn8 is an insert, but is there a way to include that scope in the library settings in future firmware updates? IE dLive stores current status of insert A/B in the channel library with an “if” sort of argument. (IF dyn8 present, save these settings. IF dyn8 present, recall these settings.)
Small thing, but it’s kind of a hassle to have to do multiple library settings for each vocalist instead of one global library recall.