Ultimately your need for a second power supply will depend on what you use it for and your tolerance of equipment failure.
You should definitely ask yourself what would happen if you had a failure. Do you have another mix rack or a mixer you could swap in if needed? Can you afford the time to swap in a spare component? Can the event be cancelled? rescheduled? The answers to these questions will reveal a lot.
We chose C class systems for cost reasons, so we do not have the option of adding a second supply. However, we specifically choose to standardize components when it makes sense. That gives us flexibility to swap in something if needed. There might be a delay of many minutes if something failed at a bad time. But it would likely be only minutes, not hours.
I have not had problems (yet) with any of the dLive power supplies I oversee (2 mix racks, 3 surfaces, oldest is only about 2 years old). But power supplies can and do fail. I have had a number of power supplies fail. In most cases (but not always), the failures were on older components that would not power back up after they had been turned off. In some cases there were redundant supplies in place, but other times we had to do without a device for extended periods of time until I could either repair it myself or get a replacement supply.