dLive Freeze

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  • #111617
    Profile photo of DaveDave

    Are you per chance using an external screen? At least on our S5000, the console will come up (either turning it on or loading a show file), then IIRC the faders will start working while the UI (screens and softkeys) resets itself to get the external screen going.

    Maybe if you are using an external screen, the cable has come loose or is failing.

    We’re using firmware 1.96, but the behavior’s been more or less the same since we got them (before 1.9 came out).

    Profile photo of The old dudeThe old dude

    This is my set up, sooo yes it have an external screen

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    Oh, sorry, I was thinking more about what could cause the freezing. But it’s pretty easy to test so I guess go ahead and unplug it from the surface for a show or two and see if it makes a difference?

    Profile photo of The old dudeThe old dude

    It’s better with 1.97 but it’s still using so much cpu, gpu and ram for an app that doesn’t do any dsp… dunno why but It seems unnecessary.

    Anyway truly hope that 2.0 will be Apple native AND will come before Xmas…

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