dLive and Director feature requests

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  • #58632
    Profile photo of MilkyMilky

    Now I’ve done a few shows with the lovely dLive, I’ve compiled a list of feature requests. I’d very much like to hear other people’s opinions on some of this.

    In no particular order…

    1. View PSUs – and or warn if one fitted is not switched on
    2. View dSnake connections
    3. Warn if a redundant dSnake is not active/ connected – After an issue with an Ethercon connector at the stage end, we switched to using a spare line.  However, I hadn’t realised the connector had been fixed and I was connecting the wrong second redundant line for several days, so basically I had no redundancy and no warning.
    4. Add Scene Recall Filter options to Scene Update please.
    5. Recall Filter and Global Scene Safe pages – Add a Red Dot to the Inputs, Mix etc list on the left, when ALL parameters are BLOCKED and an Yellow (or whatever colour is appropriate) Dot when something is BLOCKED but not ALL.  Do the same for the Global Recall Safe page. Will save us having to scroll around in the window to see if ALL Parameters are BLOCKED or just some.
    6. Add the abilty to Zoom In and Out within the Recall Filter Parameter window to quickly see what parameters are BLOCKED or not.
    7. Add an ‘Only BLOCK/ALLOW when EDIT button is pressed’ option to Recall Filter and Global Scene Safe pages to prevent accidental selection or de-selection when scrolling around.
    8. Please make the scroll bar handles larger in all pages! It is practically impossible to grab them and scroll just in one direction or the other.
    9. Add ‘UNDO GO’ to Soft Key options please.
    10. Separate Dynamics in Recall Safe – Separate Gate and Compressor and add a simple On/Off for each as separate items in Recall Safe – VERY HIGH ON MY LIST!
    11. Create separate Inputs, Ouputs and Insert Send/Return Patchbays as Global Safe and Recall Filter items.
    12. Individual Main L+R – add to Ganging options VERY HIGH ON MY LIST!
    13. Output/Mix Polarity on Processing Mix Strips Bank View and /or Overview to make them more accessible.  At the moment they are only accessible withinthe I/O Patch page, so not very user friendly.
    14. In Cue List Editor – add an option to select multiple Scenes and drag them into the Current Cue List please
    15. Enable Drag and drop up and down the current cue list please.
    16. Insert button – is it possible to make the dialogue stay on screen until either the Insert button is pressed again or a tap on the screen outside the dialogue? At the moment it dismisses itself as soon as an insert is toggled on/off.
    17. Add IP/MIX Name and Colour to Scene Update options
    18. Is it possible to add Mono/Stereo IP configuration to Scenes? Mostly needed when switching to support acts or if multiple acts are using their own Scenes in the same Show. At the moment, I would just have to avoid my stereo inputs for supports which could be quite limiting.
    19. Make the DCA PAFL  Post Fade by default please.  There really is no point having it Pre Fade.
    20. Please put the Signal Generator Level, Mute and Type on the same page as the Sig Gen Mix Assignment like on the iLive – the switching back and forward between thos pages is very annoying and also if they are on the same page you would not need the very annoying Sig Gen to Mix warning dialogue.
    21. Please add the Pre-Amp Model Settings to the IP Ganging options.  At the moment my Main and Spare Vocal are ganged and ready to switch at a moments notice if there’s a problem but I would like to gang the Pre-Amp model settings too.
    1. It’s very difficult to read some of the text on a smaller laptop screen such as MacBook Pro 13″ . Also some objects and text are overlapping.
    2. Could you add an option to show Fader levels all the time on Director (not just when moving)?
    3. Also add the ability to double click the fader level value and all other numeric parameters shown to type in the required value.
    4. Add some keyboard shortcuts: Reset button, Copy, Paste, mix select UNDO GO etc etc
    5. Select Next/Previous channel, Mix etc on navigate keys – also in Channel Naming section.
    6. Add a separate Full Console Overview page or View like iLive- showing all channels/mixes regardless of whether on the console or not. Possibly tapping on a Meter (in Meters page or Meters in South View Area opens the Channel/Mixes Processing page?  This is very much missed on the dLive and Editor.
    7. Show a visual indication that a channel/mix is Safe on Bank View and Overview like on iLive Editor.

    Profile photo of RaySRayS


    Profile photo of MilkyMilky

    Hi Ray, I was beginning to wonder if anyone else was interested. All the best Milky

    Profile photo of love2dolove2do

    Nice – and “splitscreen” in Director

    Profile photo of MilkyMilky

    What do you mean by ‘Split Screen’ ?

    Profile photo of love2dolove2do

    If you have 2 screens you can have faders on one and meters, FX and so on on the other.

    Profile photo of MilkyMilky

    Oh, I see what you mean now. Interesting. On a slightly different note, I used to use the iLive Editor alongside the iLive surface all the time, as not only did it give me an overview of all I/O regardless of the surface assignments, but I could drag and drop channels on the fly mid show if needed. I find, at the moment, I’m only using Director offline as I can do and see everything on the surface and, so far, Director does not have the ALL I/O overview, but I’m hoping that is on the cards for the future.

    By the way, I love the dLive and Director and I compiled my list not as a criticism, but to hopefully get some discussion going on here and also just for the record. I know that A&H will constantly be adding and refining features all through the life of the dLive.

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    after some months of the use of the “Director” I have the following wishes:

    – a total summary about all 128 channels to check also the hidden channels (interesting in festival situations)

    – a user-bank in the “director” (as well as in iLive editor)

    – a possibility to indicate the matrix on the complete screen on the computer for better overview.

    – a possibility to load “scenes” in other “shows” (as well as in iLive editor)

    – a quicker reaction to the operation on the screen

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