Different reverb parameters

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    Profile photo of alineskualinesku


    I am using A&H QU-SB and I am asking if I can apply different reverbs for tom-floor tom and vocals.
    I mean I want to use same effect REVERB but with different parameters for drums and vocals.
    Or, if I can have different reverb on FX1 and on FX2 but reverb on both.

    Profile photo of garyhgaryh

    Just add the same reverb effect into the second FX slot and set those parameters as you wish. Assign the different channels to the required FX and make sure both returns are assigned to the main LR mix.

    Profile photo of alineskualinesku

    Here are 2 pictures of my iPad. I have FX1 send where I have only chorus available and FX2 send where there is delay available.
    You are mentioning FX slot … Maybe I am missing smth


    Profile photo of alineskualinesku

    sorry, the pics as well

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    Profile photo of RyanRyan

    FX slot 1 = FX1, FX slot 2 = FX2, etc. If you want, you could have a reverb effect used as FX1, FX2, FX3, and FX4, and have completely different parameters for each one. (In reality, the Qu mixers only have about 8 different effects, but the entries in the library have different parameters that make them sound different) — on a mixer I have, here’s loading the same reverb preset into FX2 and FX4, and then changing the parameters so they are different with the iPad app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXS2C2S0P-o

    Profile photo of garyhgaryh

    alinesku, use the Library button to recall a different fx type into the fx send slot.

    Profile photo of alineskualinesku

    I figured it out. Thank you all.

    Profile photo of PollyPolly

    Which back panel setting do you use mix return channel return or insert?

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