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  • #47099
    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Last week I brought my 24 to a small theater, where they were driving the PA from two stereo auxes, plus a sub-send. There were two stereo pairs of speakers, and I could not connect to the system from L/R- output. Instead I tried sending from the mix outputs, but it did not work for the operator, who needed to be able to do fades with his input channels. Does not matter if the mix outputs are set to be post-fade, it just did not work. But there was a way around this: assigning the inputs to groups did the trick, now you could just work on the input-layer and leave the group masters at unity.

    Group outputs can do stuff that mixes can’t.

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Why not using the matrix and/or AltOut? On the Qu24/32 you’re able to duplicate at lease few outputs that way.
    …and Mixes can do stuff which Groups can’t. That’s why you have both…

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Somehow I just don’t understand this problem. A signal is a signal regardless of what port it is coming out of. If a balanced signal is coming out of a group it should work the same out of a mix.

    Maybe I am just not understanding what didn’t work.

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    I guess the problem was trying to not use an analogue split but two “identical” output pairs to feed both stereo amps.
    This does not work from mixes, since he needed to double all channel adjustments to both mixes.
    Assigning all channels to all groups will generate duplicate outputs right at the console.
    Using a dSnake would allow to duplicate LR (or whatever) on multiple outputs without sacrifying groups.
    On the console at least the Alt Out could have been used to duplicate LR.
    But if the PA needs to be fed from a mix (for some strange reason, no idea…) its not so easy to duplicate that.

    We guys coming from analogue desks would just pick a y-cable or daisy chain the amps and feed from LR… 😉

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I’d have thought that post faders sends, with all mix sends at unity would have accomplished the same?

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    My thoughts too Bob.

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Using the mixes for this purpose at least requires to mimic the channel pans along with the global mix source set post all (not sure about the defaults). …still would prefer using the matrix or alt outs, though…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Yes, he alt out is the obvious solution to the problem we think he has, assuming he can’t just use any cable to feed the amps…

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Andreas, you got it right. For some reason I can’t understand either, they did not have a speaker-processor, but fed the amps directly from two pairs of auxes from their Yamaha 01V. How they managed to align the Nexos is a mystery to me- there was no delay dialed in on the Yamaha, yet the speakers were time-aligned. This indeed was a weird setup, and I could have used the matrix-outputs to accomplish the feeds, but the groups worked just fine. ALT was not an option, since I needed to feed two stereo amps plus a subwoofer channel. And I wasn’t carrying y-cables.

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Could you guys tell me where the DCA- masters are?

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    …chapter 8.13 in the current manual… 😉
    On Qu32 they’re directly mapped to the surface in the upper layer, on Qu24/16 check out the routing screen.

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