DAW Control Crashes Logic

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  • #95199
    Profile photo of WiltsWilts

    I’m just setting up a recording session using an iMac running Logic Pro X and a QU32. At the moment I’m trying it out at home using a QU16 (1.95) and my 2017 MacBook Pro. I’m running OSX 10.14.6 and Logic 10.5.1 and DAW Control 1.71. I followed the instructions online and have got the automation working between the QU16 and Logic – that is I can move faders and see the effect in Logic and vice versa. However, it is very unstable. If get it to record track volume automation by moving the faders, it crashes Logic after a few seconds.

    I’ve raised a support ticket but I was wondering if anyone has seen this before? And. more importantly, anyway to stop it?



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