CQ18T – No audio from DAW to CQ18T?

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    Profile photo of tronioustronious

    I’m using Ableton Live 11.

    I’ve installed the ASIO driver

    I can record inputs from the CQ18T into Ableton as separate tracks. Works great.

    The problem I’m having is PLAYBACK from Ableton. Ableton appears to be sending audio from the master track to 1/2

    However on the CQ18T I see nothing coming in anywhere. Is this something I need to configure? I would’ve thought this audio could come to the USB input?

    Any help? Literally this is my last hurdle with the CQ18T. Spending lots of time getting to learn it. Almost there. Help appreciated thanks

    Profile photo of tronioustronious

    FOUND IT FOR THOSE SEARCHING HERE IT IS: (I felt like a monkey turning knobs but I found it lol)

    1. You have to send the output from your DAW (in my case Ableton) to INPUT 17/18 (well maybe not HAVE to but that’s the one I found works)
    2. If you are using Ableton…do that one the MASTER Bus
    3. Once you do that, go BACK to your CQ18T, click CONFIG, tap “ST IN L R” in the top right corner
    4. Then last step…BOTTOM left corner tap INPUT SOURCE (the one OTHER than Analog…looks like the picture of USB / SD Card

    Hope it helps someone. Took me a while to figure out

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Wouldn’t had taken you too long if you would just read the CQ user’s guide…

    Profile photo of tronioustronious

    You know dude. If you ever need help I will be happy to help.

    Your reply is what’s wrong with Internet forums. Instead of being a condescending (pick your word) perhaps you could be helpful.

    The CQ18T doesn’t come with a manual and it took me a minute to realize I could download it.

    Even then the manual didn’t actually me.

    My own troubleshooting and understanding of “how things work” got me there.

    Take a breath and try to be cool with people instead of being a (insert word).

    You might find life is more enjoyable

    Besides isn’t there a forum rule that states “SAYING READ THE MANUAL ISN’T HELPFUL”

    Profile photo of tronioustronious

    There you go William the model.

    Etiquette and rules

    There was a time when you knew nothing. Please be considerate of others – people are generally here to help or to find help and whether you’ve been engineering for 100 years or you’re a total newbie, there will always be users here who know more and less than you on different topics.

    ‘Read the manual’ is not a helpful comment! Though pointing someone to the relevant part of a manual definitely can be.

    Profile photo of caretakercaretaker

    Thank you, tronious! I appreciate you posting the original question and then following up with the answer that you found on your own. I’m still waiting for my CQ-18T to ship but I guarantee I would have run into this issue with my setup (I’ve bookmarked this page for future reference).

    Thanks again!

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