Controlling QU-SB with external hardware midi controller?

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    Profile photo of IrishGeneIrishGene

    Subject: Controlling QU-SB with external hardware midi controller?

    Hi, I am awaiting my new QU-SB mixer in the post. It should arrive in two days.

    I am wondering something. I used to have a Behringer XR18 mixer but got rid of it as the control app was very poor in my opinion.

    However it did allow simultaneous control in 3 ways once I connected a router with built in wifi to it’s ethernet port. The 3 means of simultaneous control were as follows:

    1) hardwired connection to a MAC running their X-Air software via a router port
    2) Direct midi control via hardwired midi DIN from a Behringer BCR2000 rotary midi programmable controller desk, I had to map the cc’s.
    3) multiple tablet control via iPad or Android devices.

    This was handy in the event of a wifi fail at a show as I always had two hardwired control backups.

    Is it possible to control the QU-SB via a USB midi controller some way over the ethernet port say as I did with a router to the XR18? I know I can’t connect via DIN as thge Qu-Sb has no midi ports.

    Is there a Allen & Heath MAC software version of the QU PAD app?

    I know it is possible to get software to run Android apps on Windows PC’s which comes into it’s own when using a Windows 8 touchscreen Dual purpose type laptop/Tablet device. I am looking into the possibility of doing the same with a touchscreen with the Qu – SB.

    To your knowledge, is it possible to achieve a hardwired control of the Qu-Sb in any of the means I have outlined above apart from the direct over DIN midi?

    Thanks guys,


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I have used RTAndroid on a respirator with a BCF2000 midi controller and the (paid for) mixing station app.

    It’s freakily good.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Yes you have.
    I have bought the Android mix station as well but not the Baa.. baa… sorry… its hard to say that word Baa.. BCF2000 although they are cheap as chips! second hand.
    Did you make a interface unit with a Raspberry inside?? I just cant quite remember?

    Its a bit unfortunate that the iP8 has not been made available to all of the A & H range similar to like a BCF2000 type of controller.
    So with just the 1 Ethernet port on the QU range could one run 2 iPads and a BCF2000?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Yes. Two iPads, 6 Qu-You, (don’t know where QU control fits in) and one mixing station.

    I used RTAndroid on a rasPi because I had it around. The BCf can also be hooked up via USB OTG to a tablet…

    Profile photo of lunaspinalunaspina

    Use QU16 and gld for my band. Now I also want a QU-SB.
    If I have to be honest much better the connections it provides presonus (ethernet, PC windows, apple, etc …)
    Trusting in just wifi is not good.

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Well, the Qu series does not provide WiFi in first place, it exposes control capability over ethernet or USB. USB is likely to be used in combination with a DAW, while ethernet is used for QuPad/QuYou/QuControl applications on iPad/iPhone and MixingStation Qu for Android/Windows tablets. You may connect these either through an ethernet adapter or some WiFi router.
    So only point missing is something like QuPad or MixingStation for Windows/MacOS, but I personally prefer some tablet type thing for remote control.

    Profile photo of MarkMark

    I’m trying to figure out the same thing. It would be great to have tactile control over the faders. Since midi can be transmitted over Ethernet, would this device be a way to gain control without the need for a computer?

    I’m looking for any viable solution to have tactile control over volume faders on the QU-SB.

    Profile photo of FabFab



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