Channel Library Options

Forums Forums Avantis Forums Avantis feature suggestions Channel Library Options

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Chris Irwin Chris Irwin 1 year ago.

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  • #112555
    Profile photo of Chris Irwin
    Chris Irwin

    I love using the channel library. It is particularly useful with my church setting where we have different volunteer musicians rotating in. However, I find myself wishing for a few things that aren’t currently implemented:

    1. “Recall Scope” options. Right now this exists with the preamp, but nothing else. I would like to turn off recalling auxes a lot of the time (I made a change to one aux master, and until I can find the time to update update the 50-100 channel presets we have one at a time, I have to either stop using the library or updating those aux settings every time, not to mention the other tech volunteers not knowing how/what to do with it). My preference would be to have options for everything like Digico has (preamp, eq, dynamics, aux, routing/groups).

    2. Channel Library implementation with Director software on the iPad. Unless I am missing something, this is not an option currently.

    3. A close button (or X) for the channel library window on the GUI. This confuses volunteers… it is not consistent with the rest of the GUI.

    4. I would also personally love to see this entire “Channel Name & Presets” section being added as a tab to the Processing category in addition to the top left “name” rectangle. To me this makes more sense since these presets are recalling all of the processing.

    Background: I am a full time sound tech & tech director, but also volunteer at my church which purchased an Avantis per my recommendation a few years ago. I usually use Digico consoles for mid-to-big shows and SQ for small shows at my job.

    Profile photo of Chris Irwin
    Chris Irwin

    I would also love to see the Inserts being recalled with the channel library. I often put de-essers onto vocalists as part of their signal chain.

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