Channel issue GLD-80 and ME-500

Forums Forums ME Forums ME troubleshooting Channel issue GLD-80 and ME-500


This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Rick Rick 2 days, 8 hours ago.

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  • #123525
    Profile photo of Rick

    GLD firmware V1.61 Rev 38134
    I am looking for some assistance in troubleshooting a problem with my ME-500s. My GLD input 31 is selected as monitor channel 14, input 32 as channel 15. ME-500 button 14 plays input 32 and button 15 plays input 31. So, these two channels are backwards. All the other buttons and channels are correct. I also have ME-1s and they label and play inputs 31 and 32 correctly. This situation is confirmed on multiple ME-500s and ME-1s. We recently update from Avioms and they didn’t have this problem.
    I don’t know if this is a GLD problem or an ME problem. Are there any suggestions on what to try next?

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