Option for 'AUX OUT' – “follow Main L/R fader”

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  • #117347
    Profile photo of MandelMandel

    I’m using the ‘main outs’ for the tops and the ‘aux out’ for the sub, Because my speakers dont have a built in crossover, so I Set the EQ to act as a crossover. My problem is, when I want to raise or lower the overall volume, I need to do it 2 times, Once, at the main fader (for the tops) and the second time at the aux fader (for the sub). This is pretty disappointing, I haven’t expected this with the CQ18. Am I missing some Information on how to do it correctly? I read the manual, And played around a bit on the mixer to figure out a way to control Everything with one fader, but haven’t been able. I would suggest to add an option at the ‘Config’ screen > ‘Aux out’> (pre fader, post fader,) follow Main L/R fader, so when moving the main L/R fader it will also affect the aux outs. Unless there is any other solution, will be very thankful for any solution.
    Thank you.

    Profile photo of Anonymous


    Profile photo of Highflyer1953Highflyer1953

    The whole point of the Aux mixes is that they are totally independent of main LR! It is the same on all the A&H mixers!
    You would have just the same problem on Qu16. All other A&H mixers, from Qu24 upwards have groups and matrices, either of which would give you a solution to your problem.
    Many people are asking for groups and/or matrices to be added to CQ.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    It is a feature present on my X32 and very useful.
    I believe that it could be implemented easily with the flexibility of FPGA.

    Profile photo of ValiD422ValiD422

    I subscribe to this wish 🙂
    there are situations at conferences, where from the Aux, I send to another room and during the break if I look “up” it will send the sound even if the MASTER is down.

    Profile photo of MandelMandel

    @highflyer1953 You’re %100 right, but now that we don’t have groups, at least, we should have an option like this.

    Profile photo of Lee7Lee7


    On another post you were asking about how to properly gain stage if not using the ‘Gain Assistant’, but here you’re requesting groups. I think you need to walk before you can run, learn how to gain stage first before concerning yourself with groups etc! 🙂

    Profile photo of FalFal

    The good old 01V96 and similar have “Fader-Groups” (not DCA!).
    If you move one fader of the group the other members follow this movement relatively.
    I think this is what you need and would be very helpful (not only for CQ).

    Profile photo of driesdries

    +1 🙏

    Profile photo of shuckcshuckc

    Great idea. It would be ideal for ‘subs on aux’ mixing. I can use each input channel post-fader, have the sends all at unity, then need to have the aux output follow Main L&R volume to finish the setup. Far simpler than fader groups, channel groups or DCA etc.

    Profile photo of SpyrosSpyros


    Profile photo of JayBJayB

    +1 would be useful when you need a mono version of the main L/R output

    Profile photo of BobbyDazzler59BobbyDazzler59

    Hi all in the thread.

    You CAN link in a way. Create a DCA and call it FOH for example. Then simply add the Main and say Aux 6.
    Create a custom layout and place the DCA adjacent to the main and aux 6. You can then baance the two individually and adjust overall via the DCA.

    Profile photo of DDDD

    Hello to all users of this little console.
    I come back to this use and regarding the PEQs, a control of the slope of the Low Pass and High Pass filters (Bandwidth) would really be welcome.
    Thank you in advance

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