Basic user and accessing mix buttons

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu general discussions Basic user and accessing mix buttons

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Alex A&H Alex A&H 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #85743
    Profile photo of volounteer

    Music Director at church has a problem. What he needs is to downgrade users to basic from regular but for them to still be able to access the mix buttons. Yes, the real cause of the problem is all the new volounteers learning the board. But it would be easier for the MD to not have to try to fix all of them:)

    Is there a way to do that with a custom layer? Can we do that without losing control over too many other functions?
    Is there a way to do that with some sort of protection settings the admin user can do?

    We use the faders and mutes on almost all the channels for mikes and stage inputs already. But we need to tweak some of those inputs occasionally to send to the monitors which are on the mix buttons outputs. Why is unclear to me. But that is the word from the MD who uses the monitors.

    To be honest I will read the manual again, but it is not that clear to me in places. And it seems like some things were omitted.
    Hoping somebody may have more experience with the Qu32 and can give a quick answer.

    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Volounteer,

    The Standard user allows access to processing and routing parameters with no access to any of the setup menu. The Basic allows control of the LR mix only and mutes, with no access to processing or setup. So it is not possible to allow access to the mix buses for the basic user, so the standard user would be the best option if this is required.


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