Avioms Failing

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  • #59924
    Profile photo of JsandersJsanders

    Ok guys,

    We have a dlive s7000, DM64 Mix rack. We are running a dante card, with a mac. All have 1 gig going. We have the d400 dante aviom distributor and Aviom A-116II units. Everything seems to go great. Except on Sundays. We arrive at 7:00 and have 2 services. Right now, by the second service, in between 11:30 and 12:15 all signal to the avioms go away. They are still powered but no sound. Our wireless sures still work but not the aviom. All channels unmuted and groups unmuted but absolutely no audio signal. Everything is fine through a 2 hour rehearsal on Wednesday and up until 11:30-12:15 on Sunday it goes away. Turn the system off and turn it back on, signal returns.


    Profile photo of bladeaudiobladeaudio

    What switch are you using for Dante? Sounds like they haven’t been configured properly for Dante.

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