AR2412 stagebox in studio use

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    Profile photo of ernieernie

    Hi Guys
    I recently bought the QU32 desk and I love it. I need a multicore stagebox for my studio, and I’m looking at the ar2412 box from allen heath. I have read some negative issues regarding loosing connection with the desk it’s connected to via dsnake.
    Is there much noise coming from the ar2412? I will have this in my live room so needs to be very quiet.
    Am I better to get a multicore box that I connect to my qu33 via local connection(xlr)?
    Your advise please and thanks..

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    The AR2412 has a fan, but I’ve never heard it without sticking my head behind it in the flight case.

    It’s also been flawless in terms of connection. Had a gig with an disclosed noise limiter, it cut the mains several times from both the AR and the QU, they reconnected flawlessly and instantly every time.

    There were issues with dSnake phantom settings on a desk causing issues when the dSnake wasn’t connected, but they’re resolved with release 1.7.3

    I’d run with it as a stagebox in a studio without concern.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I have never lost a connection from an AR2408 with my QU32’s.
    I have from an AR08 the extender, however that was a problem with the actual device and fixed.
    The preamps between the QU and Ar2408 look like they have different mic op amps from what I have seen.
    For studio use you should look at the specs of headroom as well?
    I would use a AR2408 for studio as it just lends itself towards the ME1 for personal headphones.

    Profile photo of croydon_clothearscroydon_clothears

    We use the AR2412 on D-Snake with Qu16/24/32 mixers for live broadcast on premium UK channels (BBC/ITV) as well as A-list corporate presentations and regular broadcast recordings.
    I don’t know how much you need to be convinced but we have never been let down by the kit despite the extreme reliability demands of the genres we work in.
    Yes, there’s a fan in the box – in the most intimate of studio configurations this could be an issue but keeping the box out of the vocal booth will solve almost all of your problems there.
    Broadcast is a livelier environment so any potential noise is swamped, mostly by the abysmal drone of the lighting fixtures!
    Don’t despair, properly placed the AR2412 in a music studio is the perfect partner to your QU-series mixer.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Nice to hear about the live applications with lighting there. Do you use stp?

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