GLD is a current product, no panic 🙂
Not sure what’s going on with Sweetwater, you might want to check with other retailers while I get our American partner to look into it.
Ok. Now. Someone has bad information. My inside guy at SW says that their merchandising and purchasing folks say it HAS been discontinued. They have sold through all they had in stock, can’t get any more and it is being replaced by a new product.
I told him that you were the or one of the head dudes at AH and you say that is not so. He’s going back to his people with that.
FWIW. Got that link fixed. Sort of. Worked with my friend in the marketing dept. at SW. He did get the pictures removed so not to indicate it as the Chrome edition. Not sure where Hawk got this link. They don’t think most folks will see it. If you search for GLD 80 on the SW site the correct page does come up.