Footswitch mute

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  • #23667
    Profile photo of dshriverdshriver

    Hello everyone,

    I’d like to add a foot switch control to my iLive T-112 for the talk back switch. It should be able to done fairly simply via MIDI but I’ve yet to try any of the midi functions. Can someone give me some guidance on how to do this, and could you also recommend a foot switch? Thanks!


    David Shriver
    Director of Technical Operations

    Shalin Liu Performance Center
    37 Main Street
    Rockport, MA 01966

    Profile photo of sraymondsraymond

    It doesn’t look like the talk switch itself can be controlled by either MIDI or even the PL-Anet controllers. You can control talkback assignment via the PL series. It would be one mix per PL-xx switch.

    It might be possible to lock or tape the talk switch down and use the PL-8 and toggle an assignment on and off via a footswitch but I’d ask A&H whether that would work before trying it as the PL-8 is a $300 item. The PL-8 has four switch inputs so you could assign 4 different mixes using those switch imputs, should this method be viable.


    iDR 32
    iDR D-Out
    Lenova T61, M90, iPad2

    Profile photo of DetonatorDetonator

    Dave –

    Perhaps run the mic through a switch.

    Tim Tyler
    Detonator Sound
    Richmond, Va USA
    T112/48 R72/32 laptop iPad Dir-815 Dante

    Profile photo of KB7981KB7981


    Originally posted by sraymond

    It might be possible to lock or tape the talk switch down ….

    There is a setting where the talkback switch can be switched from push and hold to talk to push to enable the mic, then push again to disable the mic.

    From the manual–
    “Latching Talk Switch -Set the Surface TALK switch for momentary or latching operation. Latched operation is convenient when you are using a microphone with built-in switch. In this case leave the TALK switch turned on.”

    We have setup a couple of the soft keys to be used as an assignment for the talkback mic (house, aux1, aux 4, subgroup 8 for example) and then use the push to talk button to activate. This allows us one button push per assignment for however many assignments we wish to have.

    Indiana, USA

    Edit …I just looked it up and under the Surface Setup and Preferences tab you can find this selection.

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