Center/Sub Template –

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  • #23545
    Profile photo of mrabnemrabne

    I still can’t figure out how to make a Center/Sub Template for a T112/IDR-48. Another forum member (user: tk2k) suggested this was possible and posting 2135 also mentions it, but I have turned up precious little information on building custom templates. If this is indeed possible, can someone point me to detailed instructions I can follow or send me a note with the steps required? I tried starting with a L/C/R/Sub Template and thought I could just delete the L and R master mixes, but I can’t figure out how to do that. In the iLive Editor, I am unable to drag them off the Mix Channels pane. And I am not sure what would happen to all the existing Input Channels if they were expecting L and R to exist and they were not there. I would prefer doing something that is completely supported by A&H and not editing XML files or ZIP files, unless absolutely necessary.

    And if anyone has a Center/Sub template they would be willing to share, I would appreciate having a copy.

    My apologies if this is a newbie question…


    Mark Rabne
    Strongsville, OH, USA

    Profile photo of StixStix

    Hi Mark – you cant make a mono/sub config as such but you could just use the L/R Sub set up and then use a mono matrix to feed your center speaker from an even mix of the main L/R busses. You will need the L/R busses to return stereo input effects to also but the mono matrix will effectively sum these to mono. Use the graphic EQ/processing on the mono matrix for your center speaker and bypass any processing on the L/R busses. Set your L/R faders to unity gain and then you can hide them from your surface altogether.
    If you also set up a stereo matrix output you could use that for stereo recording use also.


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd
    Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control

    Profile photo of tk2ktk2k


    Originally posted by Stix

    Hi Mark – you cant make a mono/sub config as such but you could just use the L/R Sub set up and then use a mono matrix to feed your center speaker from an even mix of the main L/R busses. You will need the L/R busses to return stereo input effects to also but the mono matrix will effectively sum these to mono. Use the graphic EQ/processing on the mono matrix for your center speaker and bypass any processing on the L/R busses. Set your L/R faders to unity gain and then you can hide them from your surface altogether.
    If you also set up a stereo matrix output you could use that for stereo recording use also.


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd
    Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control

    Would be my suggestion as well, you need to maintain stereo imaging for many of the FX to work properly, so just sampling the left or right channel could cause problems.

    Another option, which I know is less than idea, would be to use an external crossover for the sub feed.

    iDR-48, T-112, Mixpad

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