Networking question

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  • #23175
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I have a iLive T112 with a iDR10 connected with ACE and port B outputting ES to the mains, I need to some how add a monitor console, for that I have a T80 and iDR-64. (I also have a spare iDR-64). Any ideas on how to do this dig?

    Profile photo of tk2ktk2k

    Well send me your spare 64 :p

    But in all seriousness, need a few questions answered first

    A: are you using an analogue split, or do you want the monitor console to copy from your idr10? I assume you are wanting a split from your idr10 otherwise there would be absolutely no reason to network em.

    So, The remote audio card has two ace ports, I believe you can just run from that second ace port directly to your monitor console. But I assume you are wanting the additional dsp power? That’s what the idr0 is made for, but as you have an idr64 you can use that instead. Am I right n assuming all you will be using is its outputs?

    Profile photo of DetonatorDetonator
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