ilive routing question…

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  • #22156
    Profile photo of selfmadeselfmade


    i´m from germany. i hope my english is good enough!

    in the case of useing a stereo aux, is there a possibility to link the pan from the master bus to the stereo aux bus?

    i want to make a pan setting at an inputchannel for the master (LR bus) and want automatically the same on the stereo auxiliary bus.

    with the m7cl from yamaha it´s possible by selecting it in a menu…

    greetings, timo

    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Timo

    at present there is no way of linking input channel to LR pan with Stereo Aux pan.

    We are looking into this function for a future release of firmware.

    Best Regards
    Sam A&H

    Profile photo of selfmadeselfmade

    thanks alot for the answer.

    Profile photo of TuejoTuejo

    The Stereo channels are pan linked since they are true stereo channels. It´s only the ganged channels you have to pan by hand for each send.

    Profile photo of selfmadeselfmade

    i know

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