We got our demo unit today. Played around with it at our dealers shop this afternoon.
The demo was shipped in yesterday and the MMO card came with it, but not installed. We installed it after tearing everything down this afternoon. Upon powering up this evening at home I cannot find where I can assign my Direct outs to the aviom card. I can’t even tell if it is being recognized.
OK, so I read the release notes and found I needed to upgrade the firmware. I successfully updated the firmware, and it now recognizes the card, but I can’t figure out where to assign the outputs.
Well, the manual didn’t help. Of course it wouldn’t since it was from the older ver as well. I downloaded the new one and found where to make my assignments. All is well.
Nice one but the moral of your tale grasshopper is if all else fails read the manual and the release notes. I am looking forward to playing with a RAB 2 card myself, I will of course read the instructions first, must try ACE over my fibre link, just because I can.