Major Bug in Firmware 1.41

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  • #22032
    Profile photo of soundsound


    Don’t assign a password to the Admin account and/or don’t create a user with a password. Doing so results in a major crash and the surface doesn’t recognize the IDR anymore. Only way out is to perform a hardware reset on both units – which means changing some jumpers on both mainboards and takes at least 15min.

    O.K. – sh*t happens and I understand that such accidents can happen in software development.

    But how this is handled by A&H is a real shame. They are aware of this bug for at least 12 hours now and still no warning can be found on the website or in this forum.


    Profile photo of Lieven-DewispelaereLieven-Dewispelaere


    I think that they should make the latest working version (1.32) also available online in case there are problems with a new firmware release. So you can at least downgrade to the working version.


    Profile photo of CareyDCareyD

    Yes, an issue with V1.41 has been found. The firmware works fine as long as you don’t use passwords, but we feel that it is too risky and disabled the download immediately we found the problem.

    We immediately started the process of contacting all customers who have downloaded or received V1.41, and the preparation of full information to be posted on our web site, as well as restoring V1.32). Unfortunately a UK night got in the way of the upload being completed but we will post it within the next hour or so.

    We are working on the fix but have not yet assessed how long this may take, hopefully later today or by monday, but we will inform you as soon as we know.

    We will post further information here shortly…

    Profile photo of CareyDCareyD

    Well, we did manage to get a fix sorted today. V1.42 is now on our web site. We have also posted more information on the V1.41 password bug, together with a fix using Editor rather than having to do a hardware jumper reset. If you have already downloaded and installed V1.41 please try to update to V1.42 as soon as you can. Read the Release Notes and remember to update your Editor software too.
    Apologies for the inconvenience. [:I]

    Profile photo of millstmillst


    Do you think it would be possible to setup an I-Live users mailing list. I downloaded and installed the 1.42 firmware but skipped the registration part [:I]

    It would be great if everyone could be notified of new firmware or problems like this.

    I know there is a distributor list, but it usually takes a few days for the info to get passed down to owners and users.


    Profile photo of CareyDCareyD

    It would be great if we could click a button and automatically email every iLive user. Unfortunately we don’t always know who the end user is and rely on our distributors to pass the information on, or users to keep in touch with this forum and our web site.

    Perhaps we could encourage more people to register with us via our web site or forum as soon as they work with iLive. Maybe even write it in the legend next to the Gain knob [8D]

    Email direct to the end user is a sure way of getting important information passed on. I will chat with our team here. Also feel free to make further suggestions.
    Carey (A&H)

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