Virtual Soundcheck – fast switch input channels?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of KeithJ A&H KeithJ A&H 4 years, 2 months ago.

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    Profile photo of RancherAUT


    i have the SQ5 – great mixer!!

    Is there a quick way to switch the input patches between stored analog inputs for the live show and a virtual soundcheck with USB inputs?

    In detail:
    I have my inputs patched from local socket and the stagebox – show stored, scene stored.
    I´m doing the Virtual Soundcheck via USB-B, 32 Channels from Logic and have patched my Inputs. If changing the GAIN (because recorded tracks may differ a bit), the SQ is using the TRIM (no GAIN if INPUT via USB). Done. Store in a Scene.
    Recall the scene from the FIRST, allowing the Recall Filter just to recall PATCH & PREAMP.
    BUT (!!!) the TRIM stays… I DON´T WANT THIS…
    I like to have the same GAINS and TRIMS like before the virtual soundcheck.
    BUT HOW?
    Scene Recall Filter does not offer an option with TRIM.
    Who can help?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&H
    KeithJ A&H

    Hi RancherAUT,

    The SQ has an Input Patch Library feature. This allows you to store or recall all input patching. To access this, just press the ‘Library’ key when you are in the I/O screen and are viewing ‘Inputs > Input Channel’. Factory presets are there to allow quick 1-to-1 patching for Local, SLink, USB and I/O Port sockets, but for virtual soundcheck, just store a setting with the desk patched for live, then patch all your inputs from the virtual soundcheck record source (USB, or maybe I/O Port if using Dante or Waves). Now just recall the input patch to switch between live/record and playback modes without affecting any processing or any other patching.

    On the subject of processing, the Trim is part of the input channel processing, whilst the preamp gain (and 48V/PAD) is controlling the hardware preamp that belongs to the socket – this is why there is no gain control on a digital input, as there is no preamp gain to control!
    When switching input processing channel sources for virtual soundcheck, the whole point is to set up processing, so this should be left alone, and therefore trim should not be used between the sources.

    For virtual soundcheck I would recommend recording using tie lines – these are used to patch input sockets to output sockets without passing through processing, so it’s like recording straight from the hardware preamps I just mentioned.
    You should then be able to set up your DAW to record each input, and using the DAW, ensure that when you switch to USB inputs (for playback) that the level on the input channel is the same as that from the socket. This will be the same setting across all channels, so only needs set once in the DAW. Once set, you do not need to touch the trim settings on the input processing channels at all.

    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of alli

    Hey Keith,
    but there should be no difference using the Input Direct Outs (Routing: Post Preamp) -> USB? Or are there any advantages using tie lines SLINK -> USB?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&H
    KeithJ A&H

    Hi alli,

    The advantage of using Tie Lines is that you are not using any processing or processing channels, so for virtual soundcheck, as long as you have the return levels set correctly, you are working with exactly the same signal when adjusting processing during the virtual soundcheck as you are when live.

    When set to Direct Out Post Preamp, you would still be affected by trim and width control. This is shown in the diagrams here (

    Another couple of considerations are that Direct Outs are often used for monitoring with ME systems (and so you may want to use a different tap off point), and on the flip side, if you’re using different patching and carrying out virtual soundchecks on-the-fly, you may find direct outs easier to keep track of as they represent the channels you can see on the SQ.

    Tie Lines = Record input sockets
    Direct Outs = Record input processing channels


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