Disablement of 'reset' fader to zero?

Forums Forums GLD Forums GLD feature suggestions Disablement of 'reset' fader to zero?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of GCumbee GCumbee 10 years ago.

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  • #39827
    Profile photo of pilotspike

    Can we add a configuration option in the setup screen to allow for the disabling the use of the reset button for resetting slider position? Pretty Please?!

    I was mixing a service this weekend and right when the band was starting to jam and the congregation was getting excited I lost all of my vocals. Apparently I had accidentally leaned on the the reset button with the palm of my left hand while adjusting my vocal busses with the right. Immediately the vocal busses snapped to ‘no sound’ position and I was a bit awe struck as everyone in the room wondered what was going on. As you can imagine it was a fairly awkward moment in the service. All other uses for that button require an intentional choice of thing to reset so an accidental pressing of the reset button isn’t generally an issue outside of fader resetting.

    I can see where this could be a nice feature, but I would love to be able to disable it.


    Profile photo of GCumbee

    That scared me a little when I saw it in the release notes I initially. I thought too it was an accident waiting to happen.

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